I woke up Maddy's not-so-morning-needs-eight-full-hours-of-sleep Dad this morning for a baby class. Parenting 101 or First Time Parents. Whatever the title was. This time I was feeling a lot more confident than that
Breastfeeding class I attended. Not only did I have the other half responsible for our little one alongside of me, but I knew where I was going, the whole intro process... I was ready.
First issue - getting Dad out of bed.
Second issue - "We have to take pillows to the class" But all his pillows suck and we were both kind of embarrassed. (We left them in the car)
Third issue - it was starting to snow and we were taking my car. Awesome.
We get to the class and we're both exhausted. I'm thinking "This will be great - If I don't fall asleep." We do the intros, which are always done by the women as the men sit there and get introduced by the woman. Your name, person who is with you, where you're delivering and your due date. I'm the only one in the class to not address my support person as their husband. He is my baby's father. The looks come my way. We smile back at the faces staring at us and are welcomed to the class.
First part is pretty standard - where the bathrooms are, the exits in case of emergency and oh my God, she brought us Dunkin Donuts. Don't mind if I do. Then we kick it into high gear starting with contractions and different birthing methods and then, 15 minutes before lunch watching a woman squirt out her kid. We do a breathing exercise next on these mats on the floor. Maddy's Dad makes me laugh so hard that I'm convinced that's what contractions feel like. Just as long as I don't pee my pants.
We get an hour break for lunch where we head across the street to the Ale House and I down a chicken parm sandwich almost as fast as he eats his open faced Reuben. But I want ice cream and we have 20 minutes to kill. Chick-Fil-A it is. Yes, it's still snowing. Yes, I am that girl that eats ice cream whenever. Screw that summertime only, nonsense!
Round 2 starts out in the birthing center. We've seen this place two months ago after I got woozy at work and needed to be checked out to make sure everything was okay but it was nice to revisit. We check out the L&D room and then the recovery room, see where our beloved family will be camping out waiting until they play the Lullaby music over the hospital loudspeakers to announce a new baby has been born (it's the cutest thing ever!) and then where the OR is for any C-sections. This is my favorite part because it makes me want to jump in the bed and say "Let's do this thing!" but I'm also overly anxious to meet my daughter and with 10 weeks to go it feels like forever.
Last part is where it gets real. Pain medication, what happens if you need a C-section, positioning of the baby. This is where I learned the most. And where I decided this baby better come out of my vagina. Yes, I seriously just said that. Seriously. We jump on the mat for another 15 minute exercise where we practicing positioning for pushing (without actually pushing) and I get a little tailbone massage to demonstrate what to do if I'm having labor pains. Suggestion for next class: It's not just the tailbone that needs a massage. Homegirl would have preferred the shoulders and mid-back, too, but whatever!
Class dismissed. We survived with minimal laughing and more maturity than I thought we would have. Nothing felt better though, then kicking off the shoes and taking a nap on the couch with the cat after class. With that, I've completed all my classes and now the only thing left to do is wait until I can start Mommy101 -- a real life experience no class will ever prepare me for!
10 Weeks Feels Like 10 Years,