Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Labor Story

Five weeks ago I had a baby. I'm sure, if you're my friend on Instagram or Facebook you've seen the floodgates of photos I've posted. I literally have zero shame. My daughter is adorable and the cutest child I've ever seen in my life (obligatory parent-made comment. Again, no shame)

Madilynn Rose made her appearance on April 10th, 2014. She was 2 weeks and 1 day early. Here's the story. Monday, March 31st, my coworkers tricked me and made think we were having a work happy hour - well, it kind of was... except it was my baby shower! I was so shocked and happy! Seriously, nicest thing ever. I got home a few hours later than normal and the whole train ride I was completely itchy. Like rolling down a hill of fresh-cut grass naked itchy. I showered, still itchy. Everything I did I was itchy. I googled "Can I take Benadryl while pregnant." You can. I took one. I covered myself in baby powder and lotion before finally being able to sleep. My weekly appointment was scheduled for Thursday but then I googled some more. Cholestasis. It's where your liver doesn't break down bile causing you to itch. It's rare. So rare that when I rescheduled my appointment for that next morning and told my OB that I thought I had it, she kind of laughed and basically insinuated I was a hypochondriac. Most times I would agree with her, but this wasn't one.

She wrote me a script for what they treat cholestasis with and sent me on my way. The itching stopped 4 days later. 3 days after that I was back in the office with my test results. Positive. My other doctor (I had 7 OBs at my office) left and came back in. Based off how far along I was + the positive test results for cholestasis and everything else he told me they were going to induce me, call labor & delivery the following afternoon and get ready to have my baby. And guess what I did? Just that.

We went in around 3pm. By 6pm I had started pitocin and by 11pm I was getting my epidural. My epidural finally allowed me to sleep but when I woke up at 6:30am and could feel everything again, I started freaking. By 9:30am, I was getting another epidural as mine had come out of place after my water broke. This one went much smoother. Two hours and some odd minutes later I was feeling like it was time to take a dump. Push time. I pushed for 33 minutes. At 12:32 pm, we welcomed Madilynn Rose into the world. Cue the tears and instant exhaustion. 

As scared as I was for the whole thing, the prize, seeing and holding my daughter for the first time, completely gets forgotten. As frustrating as parenthood has been - the adjustment phase, the baby blues, the sleepless nights, the blow out diapers, the constant feedings - it is the most rewarding thing in the world. Single mommy or not, this is my biggest accomplishment to date and I cannot wait to have you follow the journey of motherhood and Maddy with me.

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